Saturday, August 9, 2014

15 months going on 16

Wowza does my little people have some serious personalities!  They're 15 months old today.  Where in the world has the time gone?!  I'm so incredibly blessed to be their mom.  Life has a funny way of turning out.  These two?  They rock my world!

Michael is 110% boy.  He runs.  From point A to B, away from me, up the stairs, straight towards me, on his sister.  If he is doing it- he is running to it.  He climbs.  Everything.  The stairs, the couch, boxes, attempts to climb on his balls, and end to his toy box.  He is a busy, busy boy!  He talks non stop although I have no idea what he is saying 99.9% of the time.  His laugh- absolutely infectious.  He laughs at the most random moments, when he is in trouble, when he is playing, when I walk in the door, always, always laughing and I love it.  But let me tell you- this boy?  He can throw a mean temper tantrum!  When he wants something he definitely lets you know it- loudly!  His smile, happy-go-lucky personality, and his temper tantrums- all 100% his daddy.  He makes me laugh just like his daddy did.  When he smiles- he looks just like Mike.  The bigger he gets- the more he looks like his daddy. 

He loves Watermelon, pineapple, blueberries, green beans, and sweet tea. He loves balls.  He and Madison take all of their balls- big and small- and play with them on the tile floor in the entry way of the house so they bounce.  He also loves Legos and his super fun tunnel.  He likes to pull it over on his head and stand in one place.  He is!  But- my favorite thing by far- he loves to dance with me.  He doesn't want to hold my hands and dance.  He wants me to turn on music, pick him up, hold him and dance around the room.  He lays his head on my shoulder and hums.  I two step around the living room holding him.  If I stop- he picks his head up and shakes his body until I start moving again.!

Madison- my sweet princess.  She may be little but fierce.  She is 2 inches shorter than her brother,  and only .4 pounds heavier.  She has finally started walking but still likes walking on her tippee toes.  She gets around pretty good though.  She chases her brother everywhere.  He definitely runs the show, but she follows suit.  She is so sensitive. If her brother yells, or you yell at the dog, she cries as though she thinks she is being yelled at.  She laughs constantly. She has this precious little giggle.  She looks so much like me- it's scary!  She is strong willed and stubborn- also just like me. haha

She loves mac and cheese, watermelon, pineapple, green beans, and sweet tea.  She also surprised me tonight and devoured 5 grilled okra.  My kids are SUCH good eaters- it's crazy!  She also loves balls just like her brother.  She loves music and her little ride on cars. My favorite thing- lately she has gotten so much more loving.  I can climb on the floor and she climbs right in my lap to snuggle.  Or if I am holding Michael, she holds on to my leg until I pick her up too.  Precious!

I love these two more than any words I could say.  They are my absolute whole world.  God knew what he was doing by making me their mom.  So blessed!

Monday, August 4, 2014

The valley

A lot can change in a short period of time.  A lot.  You would think I would realize that since my life changed so quickly and abruptly.  But, when grief has completely consumed you for so long, it is really hard to believe that it is ever going to change.  But you know what, it can.  A week ago was 10 months Mike has been gone.  I woke up and there were no tears.  I didn't cry, I wasn't overwhelmed with emotions, I was ok.  That was different.  Even more so than that.... I've been happy.  No particular reason why, nothing has happened, but I've just been happy.  I didn't think I would ever feel that again.  But I have, and it's a great feeling.

I saw this on Joel Osteen's Ministry page on Facebook:

David says in Psalm 23:4, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” He didn’t say, “I stay in the valley, I build my house in the valley, I live in the valley.” No, he said in effect, “I’m coming out of the valley.” The valley is temporary.

I'm coming out of the valley, y'all.