Sunday, November 9, 2014

One and a half

18 months. 1 1/2 years.  M&M are half way through the year to turning 2.  TWO!!!  Where have my babies gone?!   I don't know... but I assure you that these two are most certainly toddlers.  They are well on their way to entering the "terrible twos" phase.  They can throw a tantrum like no other.  I had no idea that babies were so strong until you try and pick up a temper tantrum throwing toddler that looks like a flailing fish!

Life is fun, exciting, unpredictable, exhausting, unexplainable, and a little bit scary with 2 toddlers.  I can't say it enough how much I just LOVE watching them learn and grow and experience new things for the first time.  Even more so, watching their personalities develop and seeing just how much they are just like Mike and I. The similarities are uncanny!

This month they 'celebrated' their daddy's 29th birthday, went to a pumpkin patch and have gone crazy over their mini pumpkins, carved pumpkins and attempted the remake of last year's picture with them sitting in a pumpkin, went to the park for the first time, and Michael said "I love you" to his sister for the first time! 

Pumpkin Patch 2014

Just a boy, his boots, and a pumpkin!

They were less than impressed with my pumpkin charades!

My little diva boy

Sister has been sharing her kisses for a long time now, brother bear has finally caught up!

Experiencing "time out" for the first time.  At least they willingly went together!

First experience at a park!

Our very own Mickey and Minnie Clubhouse

My Texas girl loooves her Uncle Philip!

Isn't she gorgeous?!

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