Tuesday, February 18, 2014

9 months old!

My sweet Valentine's turned 9 months old this month.  I can hardly believe it!

Michael is getting in to EVERYTHING. Literally.  He goes crazy in his walker.  He can now climb OUT of his walker and can almost climb BACK in to his walker.  He's a wild one, that kid.  He is such an explorer.  He wants to know how everything works.  He tries and tries and tries again to get whatever he wants and never gives up.  I love that about him.  So determined. I can future conversations about his determination and strong will and just being so proud of him.  I love him so much.  Michael weighs 21lb 4oz and is 29 1/4in long.

Madison is such a fiesty little one.  I LOVE it.  She lets her presence be known. She smiles at everything.  She doesn't crawl and get around quite like her brother- she's more of an observer.  She watches and watches and then sneaks up on you and does it.  She walks around in her walker like a ballerina.  I can see future evenings where we dance around the kitchen, smiling and laughing.  I love her so much.  Most newsworthy news.... she started saying "dada".  My heart melts every time she says it.  I know her daddy is smiling in heaven. Madison weighs 23lb 2oz and is 28in long.

Celebrating M&M is such a blessing and yet makes me miss their daddy so much.  This is the time where they are getting fun and exciting and learning new things and it would be incredibly awesome to share this with Mike.  I'm sure he is watching from above but oh what I wouldn't give for one of his great big hugs where he tells me how happy he is and how much he loves me.  I miss him so much. 

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