Sunday, February 2, 2014

Road Trip Success

M&M took our first road trip alone this weekend.  We drove to my parents for the weekend to celebrate my best friend and her new home for a housewarming party.  After several comments have been made to me in the last few weeks that I felt were implying I was incapable of making this trip alone (I'm still grumpy, but I digress...), I'm super happy with how our trip went. We took a pre-trip picture and think we look pretty good if I do say so myself!

Preparing was quite the adventure.  I started making a list about a week and a half before hand.  Rule #1... make sure you make a list for momma too, not just kids.  I'm the only one that forgot anything! Let me also say, that packing for not one but TWO babies was just crazytown.  2 pack n plays, 2 booster seats, 2 walkers, clothes for 2, food for 2... I could keep going.  It was a ton of stuff!  Here was our Tahoe packed to the brim:

It was absolutely worth it, though.  I so needed this trip out of town to spend time with my friends and family.  A ton of people came over to see M&M at my mom's house and they were spoiled rotten.  Plus, I got a good ol' night out with my BFF.  That's just good for the soul.  Overall, I'm just feeling extremely blessed right now. Thank you Jesus for continuing to bless me as I go through some of the most difficult days in my life. 

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