Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ok.. Who did it??

Who took my sweet, innocent, cuddly, babies:

And turned them into feisty, strong-willed, busy, independent toddlers???

Kids just celebrated turning 19 months old last week.  
They are getting SO big.  They are no longer itty bitty babies, but more like real people, albeit still little people.  Their vocabulary is exploding, they are on the move CONSTANTLY, they follow directions when told (and not utilizing their selective hearing skills!), they want to help with everything you're doing, and they are just bursting at the seems with their personalities.  
19 months old is an incredibly fun, yet exhausting age!

We went to go see Santa last weekend.  A brief recap of last year where visiting Santa was no big deal!

We went 50-50 this year!  Still, if you ask Michael if he wants to go see Santa he shakes his head no and says "No, no, no, no, no".  Traumatized, much? lol

Besides, Madison's precious smile while visiting Santa, what I love about this picture is that Madison is wearing MY baby dress from my Christmas when I was 2 years old!  I'm so in love with her so dressed up and to have her in my dress! 

 I put her in my dress, last December 2013, me in the dress in 1987, and my sweet Madison this year, December 14, 2014. Does she look like she is related to me?!?!  ;)  I certainly don't think I can deny her!

I can hardly believe my babies are growing up soooo fast and Mike is missing every bit of it.  How is it that they are now closer to 2, than they are from when they turned 1?!  Slow down time, I need just a little longer with them as my babies!

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