Tuesday, January 13, 2015

20 Months

M&M turned 20 months old on January 9th.  They;re getting big enough that I won't be able to provide their age in terms of months anymore!!  Flashing back to 2 years prior, Mike and I had just found out that we were going to have both a little girl and little boy at my anatomy scan!

How did we go from itty bitty babies that those pajamas in the picture would be too big for them when they were born.... to 2 years later, two 20 month old babies...er...toddlers with their own opinions and personalities.  Watching them grow is an internal struggle.  On one hand I need time to slow down so I can hold them just a little longer.  Madison isn't going to climb in to my lap, wrap her little arms all the way around my neck, and squeeze as tight as she can forever.  Michael isn't going to want me to turn on music, hold him, while we dance around the living room- and cry if you stop too soon- forever.  These are moments I never, ever, want to end.  But then, they say a new word for the first time, they love on each other, they want to help you by sweeping, throwing trash away, put up the groceries, let the dogs out, and they clap when they do something new or good that they're proud of.  Those moments make me encourage them, guide them, and get excited that they're learning and dream about their future and how they can do anything they want to do.  Hold still my heart, they aren't this little forever.  <3

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