Monday, January 20, 2014

8 months old

This is a little late....hey, we're busy.  But, my sweet little messes turned 8 months old this month.  Where did my babies go?!  Mike would be so proud of their outfit this month! 

Madison is laid back and happy most of the time.  She refuses to crawl, although she is very capable.  She scoots and flings herself forward if she really wants something.  Maybe we just haven't figured out how to motivate her yet.  She loooves to eat.  So far, she will eat anything you give her.  Her favorite is anything you are eating or drinking.  She is capable of sleeping through the night but has been deciding to be inconsistent lately and won't.  She sleeps a few hours at a time but that's it.  She loves to be up in her walker or Exersaucer.  She is an observer.  She watches others before she does anything.  She also has a feisty side.  When she is getting frustrated she lets out this loud shriek that makes her brother cry.  :)
Michael is certainly my high maintenance child (just like his daddy!).  He is on the go everywhere and is soooo fast.  He constantly wants to be moving and can't stand being put.  He literally runs when in his walker.  I'm certain he is going to walk before his first birthday.  I'm pretty sure his first words are "get you".  We are constantly telling him "I'm going to get you" or chasing the dogs and saying it.  So now, when he takes off crawling real fast, he squeaks out something that sounds a heck of a lot like "get you".  He loves eating and his favorite things are Gerber Puffs.  He's addicted, I'm sure of it!  This child has never slept since he came out.  Now he has decided he is anti bed and doesn't want to sleep at all.  I have no idea how this child can function on so little sleep.  Despite lack of sleep, he is a very happy boy.  He laughs and smiles constantly.  He picks up on everything quickly and is extremely determined.  He wants to touch everything, take it apart, and find out how it works.  He is going to be a very determined little boy. 

These sweet angels love each other so much.  They give each other a hug and get upset when the other is sad.  Madison is the loving one and constantly wants to hold his hand/arm or rub his cheeks, especially when he is sad.  Michael, on the other hand, he climbs all over her and never leaves her bow in her hair!  I think they are going to grow up to be the best of friends.  I'm so blessed God chose me to be their mommy.

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