Monday, April 14, 2014

Bluebonnet pictures

We live in Texas, so of course the traditional bluebonnet pictures are a must!  We, however, were incredibly lucky enough that we had someone coming to take ours. We took pictures yesterday by the amazingly talented Lyndsay of Life in Motion Photography.  She sent me a sneak peak of one of the pictures:

This picture is AMAZING.  I love it so, so, so much.  What's even more interesting about this picture is that there is so much more that went on regarding this picture.  M&M hated the blue bonnets.  HATED. When we walked in to the field they couldn't keep their eyes off of them.  Not but a few seconds after being in them, they were done.  They wanted no part in sitting in bluebonnets, on a blanket, nothing. I held them, bribed them with puffs.  They did what they wanted and sitting in bluebonnets was not it!  I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!!

The other part of this picture, is you can't tell I'm trying to hold back tears.  I cried when I saw this picture for so many reasons.  I feel like their personalities are captured so well.  Madison has that great big happy grin on her face and Michael looks mischievous like he is about to get in to something, all while both are attached to their mama.  This is how we spend a lot of our time.  Me on the floor, them climbing all over me. 

But then, You're supposed to take family pictures as a family.  Except there is an incredibly big hole in our family. I waited so long to be able to take family pictures and couldn't wait to be able to send out Christmas cards with gorgeous photographer- taken pictures.  I just really, really miss Mike.  I might be doing ok, functioning well at work, can take care of my children, even go out with friends and have a good time.  But.  At the end of the day.  I would give up everything for Mike to walk through that door again to be with Madison, Michael, and I.  I'm so sad M&M had to learn at such a young age that life is just not fair. 

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