Sunday, April 13, 2014

11 months old

When I write out how old Michael and Madison are, it overwhelms me.  Where did my itty bitty 6 and 7 lb babies go??  In less than a month they will be a year old and I don't even know what to think. Tears.  That's what I predict.  haha. 

My sweet little bunnies are about to celebrate their first Easter.  So, in honor of that, I present their 11 month old pictures!! (I'm sure M&M are going to hate these when they are teenagers!)

My big boy is in to everything.  He walks everywhere, even runs at times.  He has started "talking" a lot more and I love his jibberish.  He says 'mama', 'dada', 'eat', 'get you', and 'sissy' pretty clear.  He also has started dancing.  When he shakes his butt it makes me just bust out giggling.  I love it!  It's even cuter when he is rolled over on his belly with his butt in the air, hands tucked underneath him, and he shakes his butt to get comfy and go to sleep.  On a negative note, temper tantrums have already began.  He hates being told no and will throw himself on the ground in protest.  Not fun!!  But.. He's absolutely precious.  I love his personality, even his feistyness, and just what a happy baby he is. 

Madison is so funny.  She has started this new laugh and I can't wait to catch it on camera.  She's happy more than fussy.  She has a huge smile.  She isn't walking yet but she really, really wants to!  She can walk using her toys or holding on to something but won't step off.  When you hold her by the hands she gets really excited and doesn't want to let go.  It makes me laugh!  She says 'mama', 'dada', and 'bubba' pretty clearly.  She has started pulling up to stand up in her crib...however... she can't figure out how to get down.  It's hard to watch her struggling and not go in there.  She always figures it out there.  Today, she started giving kisses.  I tell her to 'give me kisses' and she comes at me with that big wide open mouth.  It is sooo cute!

These two are the absolute loves of my life.  I feel like they've been really screwed in life losing their dad and it makes me so incredibly angry.  It's just not fair.  And I miss not having him here to share these moments with. 

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